How Do I Become a Croatian Citizen?


Anna Ivanir was born in Skopje, the capital city of a certain region in the former Yugoslavia, which at the time, was known as Yugoslavia. When the borders were dissolved and independent states were created, there was still a large population of Serbs and Croats in the region. Many years ago, these people were brutally persecuted by the Muslims in that region, which resulted in a high number of them emigrating to other countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. However, there were a small number who remained and they settled down in what is now Croatia, but they left their former name and nationality when they changed their names. Some of them became involved in organized crime, which led to their murder and gang rape charges. These are criminal cases and they have nothing to do with the fact that Anna Ivanir married a Croatian citizen and became a Croatian citizen, which was falsified by the people claiming to represent her when they were trying to get her out of the country.

There are two ways to state your nationality in Croatia. Either you can choose to choose your nationality first, based on your family roots and your place of birth, then choose your legal status based on your nationality and your place of birth. Some people consider that it is unfair to choose your nationality first and get denied the right to change your legal status in case you later change your mind and become a citizen of another country. You should always consult an attorney before making any decision in this regard. You should also know that there are several lists of official languages in Croatia and you should inquire about the ones that would apply to you before going to the polls.

When you finally became a Croatian citizen, you had to give up your citizenship. You then had to go through all the legal procedures and you could not just be treated like an ordinary citizen, no matter how old you are or whatever your birth date is. In some cases, people change their names and refuse to acknowledge their true identity, thus they end up spending their whole lives as illegal aliens. Therefore, you must understand that your name is important when you get married in Croatia and if you want to keep your true identity and status, you must change your name according to the law, because naming someone after your parents would be considered a criminal offence, in Croatian language.
