Successful Partner In Growth: Clare Michalik


Clare Michalik was a bright young girl when her parents brought her to stay at the prestigious St Patrick’s School in New York City. The only daughter of two young boys, she was immediately taken under the wing of a socialite family whose influence and care she would take to reflect upon throughout her life. A bright and restless student, Clare made a name for herself early on in her collegiate career, excelling in both her academic and athletic endeavors. Family, career, or personal will never quite define what Clare represents but there is no denying the fact that she achieved success in all areas of her chosen profession and has remained resolute in pursuit of her lofty goals and ambitions.

When it comes to success, education never fails to be a component. Michalik achieved not only a great academic resume but also astoundingly accomplished feats in the realm of martial arts, dance, and theater. Fighting with all her strength and courage to pursue an education in the realm of education, she became the first ever women national champion of the world wrestling championship. While pursuing her education, she honed her craft and toughed it out on the sports floor, enduring physical conditioning, and the mental fortitude required to endure the rigors of her craft.

In recent years, Clare has achieved even greater heights of success as an actress. Cast as the original sultry fitness instructor in the massively successful exercise regime “The Biggest Loser,” she has managed to not only be tonnied and fit but portrayed as a role model for millions of women in need of strength and fitness. Claire has used her physique to excel in nearly every area of her chosen career and continues to rise to the challenge every single day. As an actress and athlete, there is no doubt that she has what it takes to be a partner in growth for a lifelong education in education.
