Why I Hate Current Fashion Trends


In this article I will talk about why Fashion is not a real “clean style” and show you a few of my top tips to help you make the right fashion choices. Fashion is a broad term that is used for describing any number of different styles, fads and trends. You can be a fashion victim and follow fashion trends without really knowing what you are doing. As a matter fact, the majority of people that do not have any idea what they are doing when it comes to fashion simply follow the latest celebrity or fashion magazine trend and wear the clothing that is in style.

I am sure that at some point in your life you went to your favorite store and were fascinated by one of the latest fashion trends and wanted to try it. Unfortunately once you tried it you then started to feel guilty for wearing something that was not on trend. It is so easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and follow fashion trends that are not in fashion. It is important to remember that your sense of fashion is usually founded in what you see around you. If you are seeing people wearing bags that you think are trendy but are actually quite dull, it is not because of the fact that they are not trendy, but simply because you are not observing the proper fashion standards of the day.

Fashion is one of the largest influences in our society and even though most of us are too young to remember, there have been many eras when the fashion trends of a particular time period are no longer in style. For example, the fashions of the 1960’s are considered to be very stylish right now, but they were considered trashy and dated back then. However, if we look back at that time period, people were dressing in much sturdier clothing, such as khakis and shirts. Therefore, trends come and go, but if you are smart you will pay attention to what is trendy today and what will be in fashion next. Following fashion trends is not a crime, but it could be considered a smart crime.
