Can height Be Used As A Factor In An Affair?


In an interesting article in the Financial Times, Anna Heid raises some issues regarding age and nationality. At the outset it is interesting to note that she is a German national and yet the same cannot be proved. This could possibly be due to her German birth certificate which lists an age of 72. There is no record of this in her native country. Another possibility is that Anna Heid may have been adopted by Germans while still a young child and then her nationality was German. Whether Anna was really German or not, it is rather irrelevant as the matter of her nationality is of less importance than whether she has cheated on her partner with another nationality while she was working as an investment banker.

Height and age are perhaps the two most common categories used to classify a person’s marital status in modern society. These two dimensions have little to do with one another and to complicate matters even further, it is not known exactly how far back this trend goes. Height however was used earlier on as a way of classifying an individual’s nationality. A taller person was obviously a German whereas a shorter one was a Pole. Age was also used earlier on as a way of classifying an individual’s marital status. Thus if someone was fifty years old and married, then they were clearly a younger person and therefore a Pole, a Czech or a Pole.

As Anna Heid points out, it may be impossible to determine how much height, age or nationality affects a person’s chances of having an affair. After all, an affair may have started at an early age and height or age alone cannot tell how long ago it started. Perhaps height only affects people who are very tall or very old? Or maybe age only affects people who are very young? What we do know is that once a relationship is over, it is not possible to reverse time and therefore whether or not your partner had an affair, you will never know!
