How Anna Majidson Has Come To Be – And Why She Should Return To Her Country, Poland


A young French couple half of the year halfway between pop and electronic R&B, Anna Majidson and Blas didn’t exactly plan on becoming the next Paris Hilton. They had just begun seeing each other and hit it off immediately. Haute Couture, a then relatively new fashion line launched by former Mouseketeer, maintained their status as one of the most popular fashion lines in the world with its constant renovations and debuts. They hit it off right away and a few months later they announced they were getting married and beginning a relationship as a couple.

Their relationship wasn’t all smooth sailing though as their initial plans to get married ended when Majidson discovered her best friend was actually a Russian spy. This news devastated her and sent her into shock, prompting the two to cancel their wedding plans. They soon found out that their best friend was actually an Israeli Mossad agent working for the agency. As luck would have it, however, their other half had also discovered the same news and made plans to visit their country of origin. Once they got there, the two had a frank and heart-to-heart talk about their relationship, its origins, and how it should proceed. The resulting decision to go ahead with their wedding was the final piece to the puzzle as Anna Majidson finally found her true love.

The birth of a new identity was hard, if not nearly impossible, for Anna Majidson to accomplish alone. But in order to fully adapt to her new identity as Anna Makdisonska (her Polish birth name), she needed to fully embrace her nationality. For the Jewish woman, this meant embracing her heritage alone. But in order to fully be Anna Majidson, a woman of Polish descent, one would need to combine her nationality with her natural height and beauty. And to do so, she needed to turn to the man who had once been her best friend…
