A Flawless Fringe Fashion Trend For 2021


A Flawless Fringe Fashion Trend For 2021

Back in September of 2021, a fringe fashion trend called “burnt sashimi” swept the nation. Fashionistas everywhere were upset with this fashion trend because it completely took away from the fresh new look that was taking America by storm: celebrity inspired style. The celebrities who were adorning their curves with thick, luscious lips and sexy, bold hairstyles were no longer in the picture. This major fashion trend was a direct result of Hollywood’s desire to project a sexier image for its actresses and stars.

In the past, Hollywood has always been upfront about telling people what they want. They have been successful at it time again. Fringe fashion is one of the major trends that are making waves across the country. Women are no longer content to wear frumpy, boring clothing; they are now proud, sexy and in control of every aspect of their appearance including their wardrobe choices.

Fringe fashion has been around for quite some time but it wasn’t until recently when it really came into full swing. It all began at the end of the last decade where Hollywood finally got together with fashion designers. Celebrities such as Patti LaBelle and Jennifer Lopez were photographed wearing these bold, edgy clothing pieces. The looks that these two ladies were sporting were wild, out-of-the-box and totally out of the norm. Now, the fashion industry is paying tribute to this important Hollywood trend and it’s giving fringe fashion its own chapter.
