How to Look Like a Romanian National


Today we are going to review the Anna Paciu story, which is based on the life of a model from Romanian’s Nationality. The life that Paciu describes in her stories has been compared to that of Marlene Dietrich, another Romanian Nationality who was also a professional model. The similarities do stand out in the fact that both women achieved success in their chosen careers and both were married with children. The only difference between the two women was that Paciu was Romanian and she did not become a citizen of her country until after her marriage. This is significant because while many models have become citizens of their countries when they have achieved success in their profession, Paciu became a Romanian citizen because her career required it and because her husband was a Romanian national.

Once Anna Paciu became a Romanian national, however, it was not long before she was able to receive a copy of her birth certificate from her husband. The problem with her birth certificate was that it did not match the documents that she had already registered with the National Identity Agency of Romania, or NSAR, and this could mean a lot of trouble for any future employer looking at her resume. Because of this lack of documentation, if a potential employer saw her resume they would immediately have to determine whether or not it matched up to the information that was in their system. This could cause problems, especially in an international position, because some jobs might require someone to have been born in Romania but may insist that the person be sent to Romania legally in order to work there. Because of this possibility, many international job positions require that potential candidates provide a copy of their nationality application.

If you want to look like someone from Romania, and not be a Romanian national, you can use photographs to help you achieve your desired results. Using photographs from before, such as photos of you as a child, will make you look ten years younger than your actual age. And using photographs from when you are an adult, such as when you participated in a modeling competition, will project the image that the company or organization is looking for. In addition, if you use your birth certificate, passport, or birth order to prove your nationality, you can have your height adjusted to fit the height requirement of whatever position you are trying to apply for and use your real name instead of your partner’s name. By following these methods, you can make yourself fit in, even if you were not born within the country itself.
