Fashion Trend Forecasting Book – Your Secret Weapon in the Battle of the Bulge


Whether you are designing clothing, makeup, perfume or anything else for an ongoing fashion trend, it is essential that you know the latest trends before everyone else does. If you are a designer then you are going to be ahead of the curve, but if you are just a consumer, then you will not be up on all of the newest styles. For either of these situations, a fashion trend forecasting book is your best bet. With the help of a few of these books you can chart your fashion style for years to come.

Whether you are a designer or a consumer, knowing what’s currently out there is a must. There are several different ways to get the information you need, but there is one more valuable way, and that is with a fashion trend forecasting book. A good understanding of current trends is an absolute basic skill for anybody working in the fashion business, particularly in fashion marketing. In this detailed book Gwyneth Jones and Rae Jones take you through the steps required to create a well researched, well thought out fashion trend.

Trend forecasting books are becoming increasingly popular in the fashion world because of the simple fact that they offer the end user a real insight into what is hot and what is not, as well as offering up great tips for dressing your best. If you are already in the fashion business than you are well aware that it takes many months and even years to truly figure out what is cutting edge and what everyone is going crazy for. A trend book is your secret weapon when it comes to fashion, because it allows you to look back and see what was popular only a few short months ago. Trend forecasting books are the answer to keeping up with the trends in the ever-changing fashion industry, so if you want to be the next fashion guru, then start reading up on them today.
