Disco Era Fashion Trends


Disco Era Fashion Trends

Disco fashion for men from the disco era was far different than the fashions of today. This style was characterized by brightly colored, frilly and often multi-colored outfits and shoes that were creating to seem like they came right out of a carnival. The men’s fashion of this time period was influenced more by dance music than it was by good taste. Today, a lot of people enjoy the look of a good fashion dress but back in the disco era, these were the only kinds that were available.

When it comes to fashion trends, there are many things that we can look back on and laugh about, like how strange it was for women to wear long skirts in the 1970s or how strange it was for the media to promote figure-hugging clothing in the 1960s. However, there are some fashion trends that will never go away. For example, back in the 1970s it was considered strange for men to wear neckties, but now it is almost expected. The same can be said for hats, hair styles and even the number of hairspray that a woman wears.

The hair style of men has changed quite a bit as well. Men of today are less likely to wear their hair pulled back in a ponytail or plaited in pigtails, but they are not necessarily shaggy or messy looking either. If the look is clean cut, then it is considered to be modern. Shaggy hair does not convey the right look today and many men choose to keep their hair neatly trimmed. There are a lot of fashion trends that we may look back on fondly, such as how certain clothing became popular and even how the music industry changed over the years.
