Some Information About Cynthia Lander Vallera


Known as the Queen of Latina (her original name was Cesar Vallejo), Cynthia Lander, also known as Cynthia Vallejo, is an award-winning performer, singer, actress and model. Born in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Cynthia grew up in New York City and was brought up idolizing Spanish soccer star David Beckham. She has gone on to play volleyball, basketball and tennis throughout her adult life and began modeling after completing college, appearing in some ads for Old Spice and swim suits for Victoria’s Secret. Her career spanned the age of eighteen to twenty years old and then into movies and commercials. She was also married to Richard Dreyfuss, a German businessman, for fifteen years until they split in 1998.

Cynthia Lander’s real name is Cynthia Vallejo but people have been calling her Cynthia Lander for quite some time now, since she has appeared on various media, both locally and internationally. As of this writing, she is still acting and continues to be active in her career. Born in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Cynthia grew up surrounded by the rich and famous, including her cousins who were famous musicians. As a result, her resume is filled with accomplishments and she is an accomplished actress and singer both in front of the camera and off. As a result, her resume and public profile are very strong.

As a Hispanic female, Cynthia has a dual citizenship, is a United States national, as well as a Hispanic in the eyes of the law. She has lived in New York for most of her adult life and has always identified as a Puerto Rican. Her birthday is June 19, the same as President George W. Bush. Her full name is Cynthia Lander Vallera, which means “Vallera Y” in Spanish and “mary Y” in English. Her height is 158 inches, as measured by the American Body Planning andiatric Association. Her current weight is 332 pounds.
