How C Cynthia Aller Changed the Way Women View Age When it Comes to Height


Cynthia Aller was a famous TV personality from the seventies and eighties, who were known for her strong personality, her sultry looks and her bold opinions. She was married to well to do families but never really fit in with their circles and she always had the feeling of being looked down upon by her peers. However, it is apparent that the reason her parents didn’t approve of her was simply because she was a little short on height. Now that she is deceased, all that has been written in the sand is that she had the hots for tall men and once found, courted and dated them.

Aller had a very high opinion of herself and once said ” Tall is Gold. And I’m no shrinking violet. “, although it is clear she had perhaps never considered herself to be of average height, at least not at that time of her marriage. But as her career took her across countries and she settled in Hollywood, where good height was not considered a point of great importance, we can guess that changed her mind.

As her career progressed, her looks gradually improved and so did her popularity, yet in every career there are always those days when you think you are pretty or you feel you still need to work on your looks. This time it was no different for Cynthia Aller, as the height problem appeared to have taken her breath away. The only problem was that her height didn’t seem to be improving with her career. It wasn’t until her late sixties that the change came. She met and fell in love with an American businessman, Richard Burton who were thirty years her junior, but as she looked into his eyes and saw the man who she would marry, it was clear that this was the right man for her. As they married, all those years of her unhappy marriage were forgotten as she devoted her time to her profession which eventually led to her death, but her career had changed her views on life and she was able to enjoy the fruits of her love.
