How Long Do You Know Your Partner?


Cynthia Daniels is an American social worker with a Masters Degree in Social Work. Her areas of specialization are Marriage and Family Therapy, Statistics, and Policy Analysis. According to her bio on the web site, Cynthia “has experience working with individuals and families in education, employment and health care settings, including government and private sector jobs.” In addition to her work with governmental and private sector workers, Ms. Daniels also served as an Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers, the oldest organization in the United States. Additionally, Cynthia has served as an Education Director for the National Council for Independent Living and was the former Executive Director of the Texas Low Income Grants Research Office. While her educational background is impressive, it seems that her most notable achievements have been in the realm of working with low-income people, especially people of Nationality.

According to Cynthia’s bio, she was raised in foster homes. As a child, Cynthia was separated from her biological mother and remained with her foster family until age nine. Her biological father passed away when Cynthia was twenty-one. Since then, Cynthia has been self-employed and developed a great respect for working with Nationalities and having strong familial relationships. This strong bond now forms the basis for the relationship she describes between herself and Nationality, which is described throughout this article.

What is clear from this information is that Cynthia has a complicated relationship with nationality. Her professional career and personal life are intricately intertwined with her Nationality. For this reason, we have included this portion of the article as a Closer Look at her Relationship with Nationality. If you would like to explore this topic further, please consider all of the thoughts expressed here.
