Dating Over Height


Cynthia Baremans is an Australian National who has been in the modeling and acting game for over a decade. She has appeared in some high profile magazines including “L Magazine” in the US and “Paris Hilton: Hollywood” in Australia. She is also an entrepreneur with her own company “imeters”. She also has a background in forensics, nutrition and fitness and currently an executive consultant for wellness programs.

In her recent press release, Cynthia describes herself as a “Height Diva” and she has used this title creatively in her marketing of herself and her business. Height Divas is a program she describes as a resource for those seeking help in regards to their personal or professional growth. Her website provides numerous articles on the self-help market and offers a dating site, where she says people of all ages can find others with common interests and who are also looking for a relationship. The site also has a message board which is full of interesting conversations on matters ranging from relationships to health and life coaching.

In an interview with “The New York Times” writer Rosalind Coward, Cynthia referred to herself as a” Height Diva” and also discussed dating in general. She told the publication that height itself does not mean that one is single. She clarified that being tall does not necessarily mean that one will become unattractive. Rather, there is a difference between dating partners who have different heights and people who are simply tall looking. She also clarified that if one’s dating partner has a height difference, they should keep dating someone who is of the same height so that they do not end up looking awkward with each other.
