A Short Woman’s Love Story


DescriptionCynthia Menards is a Canadian pageant titleholder who also represented Canada at the Miss World Canada competition and won the title. She is a tall (5 feet 11 inches) with a thin figure and was not built for attracting attention but rather for her talent as a singer and performer. Her career in the modeling industry was not very successful and after she left the competition due to health reasons, she seemed to have mellowed somewhat and has since become more comfortable in portraying a petite woman who carries herself beautifully and looks younger than her years. This article will try to tell you what exactly led her to this new look and how it has affected her ever since.

In her earlier days, men loved her because she was tall and had naturally beautiful features which earned her the love of many men throughout her lifetime. Men are attracted to women who have this height as men consider a taller woman to be more mature and capable in all aspects of life. It is common knowledge that men are attracted to a woman’s height and personality traits. Men notice a woman’s height and personality traits right away, which is why most models and actresses try their best to maintain their height in order to retain their fan base. In fact, many models and actresses go to great lengths to maintain their body weight to make sure that they can attract more men.

As a result, Menard’s sudden change in height was very surprising to her friends and family who did not see this as a major problem. They were of the view that the change was nothing major and Menard can continue with her career in the modeling industry as she is doing well in it. Later, Menard realized that there are some problems when it comes to her nationality like being short in height or having dark skin and as a result, she started searching for solutions regarding these issues.
