Aspen Skiing – A Life-Loving Profession


Born in Grenoble; born as Carol Anne Aspen Skiing, as she was destined to be. The surname Aspen includes the surname Aspen, meaning the mountains; in other words, she would have been born in the mountains. It is also interesting to note that her mother’s maiden name was Aspen, meaning also a mountain and water. This fits in with the sport skiing that she indulged in throughout her life. She definitely fits the qualifications of being a national or professional ski athlete, given her participation in both the men’s and women’s category during the 1980s.

Now, Caroline Aspenskog could have been another woman who won a medal at the World Cup which put her in the records books for the largest individual prize purse at that time. Or perhaps she could have been the first woman to achieve the double jump while holding her own record of the highest vertical jump in the Olympics. Or perhaps her partnership with fellow British skier Louise Richardson has also made them the first two women to ski the French slope of Les Baux de La Glace, in France. But it must also be remembered that Aspen Skiing was more than just a sporting event; it was a way of life for Aspen, a lifestyle for Aspen, a way of showing off Aspen. She epitomised the word laid back, the “I don’t do anything crazy” type of personality.

So, when you look at the resume of a person who claims to be a National Park Ranger; you should see a young woman who is an accomplished athlete, who holds various titles including; National Park Ranger, a lifetime member of the Order of the British Empire, and a recipient of numerous awards for her role as a police officer and paralegal. Or even if you view her as an actress and model, as she has been, you should still view her as a very accomplished businesswoman, with multiple industry verticals to her credit, and one who enjoys helping others succeed, as she has done throughout her career. Perhaps most importantly, Aspen Skiing offers everyone who crosses its path the opportunity to get away from their everyday cares and to take a well-deserved vacation, away from it all. It offers everyone a chance to reflect on their lives, to get away from the stressors that plague our everyday lives, to participate in an activity that gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment, while giving them a well-deserved break from the norm. Indeed, Aspen Skiing is a true escape, and the perfect way to unwind after a hard day’s work.
