The Career Of Caroline Tran


Caroline Tran is a professional climber who has been working as an actress for the past few years but has made her name as a mountaineering and rock climbing champion. She began her climbing activities at a very young age of 16, where she climbed all over Europe in hopes of finding her true love. After she graduated from high school, Tran pursued her passion with determination and soon found her calling in the sports of rock climbing, mountain biking, and even white water rafting. In fact, her first trip to Africa was to train with the Kenya Safari Club, and her first experience with altitude was on Mount Kilimanjaro where she reached a height of 17 feet.

After that adventure, Tran decided that she wanted to pursue a professional career in the sports of mountain climbing, and so began her studies at the University of Wales in Cardiff. While in school, she met her now husband, Welsh rugby player, Jonathan Tran. While in college, Tran was also known for her strong academic performance, which earned her a spot on the school’s debate team. After finishing her degree in May, she began a job as a communications assistant at the Natural History Museum in Cardiff where she assisted in updating the website and writing content for the site. As the excitement of becoming a professional grew, she also decided that she wanted to pursue a position as a researcher or a teacher in the natural sciences, and so began her education once again.

It was not long before she began her first job outside of her job as a communications assistant at the university, and that led to her hiring a position as a Research Assistant in Genetics at the University of Glasgow. From there, she was able to gain more experience and knowledge in various fields, and in the end was able to start her own consultancy company. Now that she is married and has a family, it is easy to see why she feels that being an actress is her best option for a career now that she is in her late twenties and is well into her prime. She has managed to balance her career and family life successfully, and is looking forward to the future.
