Why is Age Not Always a Deterring Factor?


Caroline Dolehide is a renowned height and fashion model. She has appeared in numerous print advertisements and was one of the models selected for the British Fashion Awards in the late eighties. Her success in both the fashion industry and the print industry resulted in her being named as one of the “world’s top ten celebrities of the year” by the Royal Society of Arts. Later that same year, she was also chosen as one of the “Fifties Tenets of Greatness” by the same society. This only further highlighted her standing in the public eye.

So, what drives a woman to maintain such a high profile in the world of fashion? It is apparent in her own novels, her television programmes and even her stage work where she gracefully maintains her height and looks younger than her years. However, this does not mean that age is not a factor in her personal relationships. She has married well and has been happily married to the same man for almost forty years. In the television programme Who’s That Lady, it was revealed that her age did not affect the chemistry between her husband; rather it was his perception of her that held the key. So, if you are thinking of investing in yourself and making yourself look younger, it is important to ensure that you take your partner into account when considering your options in terms of height.

There is no question that taller women are seen as sex symbols in the media, but it is important to note that in most cases these perceptions are incorrect. The real world is diverse and as such, there are different heights for different people and different reasons why people opt for different heights. When choosing a partner, it is important to consider whether they will find height sexy or whether height is a deterrent to their long term partner. Only you can decide which is more important.
