The Career of Caroline Andree


A famous French actress and model, Caroline Andrieu have a very interesting career that has spanned parts of two decades now. Born in France, she became a celebrity in the eighties with a role in the movie A Who Loved Me and then went on to star in some movies and TV shows in her home country before landing in Hollywood where she has had some more major roles. Her height, weight, and build suggest her middle age but her face is still very young, giving her an air of mystery which some people find irresistible. She has adopted a number of different facial expressions throughout her acting career to keep her character’s mysterious and complex character traits under lock and key.

In her early days in Hollywood, her career most often centered around small roles although she was also known to act in well-known films such as Something For Nothing and Moonraiser. She has appeared in some bigger films too such as Mystic River and Eternal Sunshine Of Your Life but those were not really major roles. From there her career has veered towards television, where she has been seen as a love interest for Tom Selleck and has even guest starring in some episodes of Law and Order. Later on in her career, she appeared in some big movies including Eternal Sunshine Of You, Charlie Brown All Over, and Edward Scissorhands. Those were all directed by Steven Spielberg, so it is no surprise that she has picked up some awards throughout her career including an Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series for Law and Order and an Oscar for Pearl Harbor.

Now, she has returned to her roots as a performer, playing characters in stage and screenplays. Her notable supporting roles have been in stage plays such as The Professional and Don’t Walk On The Corner. She has also appeared in films such as Big, Eat Pray Love and Into The Woods. Her career has therefore spanned some amazing blocks of years since she first stepped onto the big screen. Now that she is finally settled into a stable, happy marriage with a man she loves, she has the time and freedom to pursue her acting career as she would like to.
