Facts About Caroline Nehring’s Father


Caroline Nehring is another celebrity whose name gracing the pages of People magazine, but whom few outside of America ever know about. Born in Ireland, she is described as being of British nationality, but of German descent, which could possibly place her in either the British or German categories depending on her father’s nationality at birth. She was married to a British soldier and throughout her early life was repeatedly described as being of Irish decent, despite the fact that she never actually lived in Ireland, nor has any documentary proof of this. It is believed however, by some, that she may have lived here for a period of time, as her father worked for the British during the war, and thus had contact with the IRA. However, her lack of documentation may mean that this is simply one of her many inventions.

Being of German descent and given the name Caroline Rose, she obviously was not born in Germany, but rather lived and worked here in Britain. Born in Wisbeek, West Sussex, she is said to be about two hundred and forty years old, but this could only be an estimate based on information provided by the records. She is described as being fair faced, with long brown hair, and wore earrings, a necklace, a bracelet and a gold ring on the engagement ring. On the lower part of her right wrist is a buckle which is said to date from the same era as the ring, although this has also been challenged by other evidence.

As is common with celebrity births, details of the pregnancy are scarce, and the precise length of time that it took for Caroline to give birth is also largely unknown. What we do know is that her husband, Richard Rose, found out about the pregnancy on the day that the marriage ceremony was ending. He then went ahead with the divorce, and was in fact the first person to find out that his wife was pregnant. Whilst this may have worried him, he remained in love with her and carried on having a relationship with her while he had the child. This ended when the child was born, at the age of eleven.
