What Is the Meaning of ‘Nationality and Gender’ in Relationship At the Edge by Caroline Kraddick?


The author of Relationship at the Edge with Caroline Kraddick, Carol Trayborne, claims that Age, Nationality and Gender do not matter as much as many would like to think in today’s dating world. In fact, she goes so far as to state that it is often possible to meet someone within your own age group and even gender. She also lists the different ‘identity markers’ for each decade in terms of how they are perceived by the general public. For example, for those who feel that they are manly or womanly, a decade could represent a completely different threshold than for others. If we are to be completely honest, it often helps a lot if we can pinpoint our own personal defining characteristics.

In addition to Age, Nationality and Gender, another thing that needs to be addressed is Height. Many dating gurus will inform you that the height of a person has more to do with looks than it does with compatibility, but Kraddick contends that there is more to it than that. While her view of dating relationships may not sit right with some, it is important to note that her principles hold true for both straight and gay relationships. The way you present yourself to the world will reflect back on you. For example, if you are tall and athletic, you are more likely to succeed in a gay relationship than a straight relationship, as straight people are generally expected to be short and fit.

In fact, height isn’t even a very big deal in the context of online dating. For those looking to find their ideal partner, there is simply no need to worry about looking like the ‘ideal’. It is actually better to be known for more than your appearance. After all, who would want to date someone who has an average or below average height. If you feel you can meet someone in this aspect of the online dating world, then by all means, do so!
