Caroline Westendorp – Stature or Personality?


As a former actress, Caroline Westendorp is well known for her high intelligence and ability to be an intuitive businessperson. She has managed to successfully balance her career as an actress and entrepreneur with her passion for building high-end fitness centers and fitness equipment in her native Australia. Now, she’s sharing her success story in her first book, titled: The Partner Advantage. This book provides a helpful framework for understanding how we can maximize our personal and professional relationships to achieve optimal status in life.

The concept of “the partner” in this novel is very different from the norm. In most of today’s culture, a “partner” is defined as someone with whom we share a life and who shares our interests, activities, and personal interests. In contrast, in the last several years, “partner” has increasingly been replaced with “fellow,” and now includes people with whom a person has a romantic relationship. The idea that “partnerships” are a more desirable option for many people today, and that having a “partner” in your life can potentially lead to more personal and professional success, should provide an encouraging factor for anyone who is currently struggling with achieving his or her own personal goals, as well as anyone who might be considering pursuing a fitness career or lifestyle. With this kind of positive reinforcement, one could argue that even the most reluctant individual with the least interest in sports could succeed with the right attitude, the discipline to commit to a fitness program, and a positive outlook on his or her own fitness profession.

For anyone who’s having trouble finding success with their own dating ventures or with building the kind of stature in which you want, then it may be time to consider trying out a fitness career or pursuing a fitness lifestyle in which you can attract “partners” into your life. If you’ve always wanted to be a “partner” in your life, but aren’t sure how to go about doing so, then this book provides a great insight into the dynamics that are important to making a good dating career out of your own fitness endeavors. If you’re looking for a fitness-based relationship, this is a surefire guide to creating the kind of partnership that will benefit you both.
