Was Giulia Borella a Nationality?


Giulia Borelli was once an Italian politician, whose fiery personality, boldness, ruthless character and international terrorist ties made her a controversial figure. Born in Milan, bore a name which means “Queen of the Gods” in Italian. But her real name was Nicole Panza, and she served a three-year term in the Italian parliament from 1971 to 1974. Later on, she established a political party, which had links with the Italian terrorist organization, the Red Hand Association.

Biography. Giulia Borelli (d. 1950), also known as Gioi or Giulia, was a glamorous femme fatale who murdered her wealthy husband in plain cold blood, in broad daylight in Milan’s Palazzo Linate. She was a professional thief, who at the time of her death, still had $1 million in her pocket. Although she was a national identity with Italian citizenship according to the law, her lover managed to make it legal under the circumstances of her death, making her a dual national. This created some controversy because Borella was the only female ever granted citizenship by the Italian monarch.

In many ways, Giulia Borella epitomizes the concept of beauty and intelligence. Her boldness, unconventional thinking and military training gave birth to a character that would be fascinating to follow. As we can see from her criminal past, she was able to use her beauty, intelligence and military skills to achieve what seemed impossible. The film “La Strada” by Mario Puzo depicts her as a successful and dangerous woman, but also as a loyal friend and lover to her lover. She is the quintessential example of how the truly successful woman should act.
