How to Be More Dating


Kate Berry, a world famous Australian Height Queen, has written an interesting book about relationships, titled “How to Be More Dating”. In this fascinating tome, Kate Berry shares her views on relationships and the ways that she has developed herself into a very successful and interesting professional in her own right. In fact, Kate Berry has been described as a “paranormapist” and a “behavioral therapist”. Her ability to help others overcome various challenges in their lives is what sets her apart from many other professionals in our field today.

Ms. Berry begins the book by touching upon the topic of dealing with height or stature issues; how it relates to everyday life and also how it affects the person who suffers from it. It could be viewed as a form of discrimination depending on one’s own physical stature and weight. Height can be problematic if you are shorter than your partner and this could lead to undue pressure on you to eat more or do more in order to “stretch” your body to gain some sort of normalcy. Kate Berry discusses how dealing with physical limitations can be overcome through exercise and stretches, how it is not only about changing your body but also dealing with the emotions associated with being smaller than someone else or having the physical limitations of your height.

Height and dating could be something that you have never even thought about, but I would definitely recommend it for anyone who is single and just doesn’t know how to approach the subject of dating. Height dating could be an interesting experience for anyone because you are not always looking at yourself but at the person with whom you are dating. If you have ever felt a little intimidated about speaking to, or even talking to someone who is taller than you are then Kate Berry’s book “How to be More Dating” could be just what you need. You may be able to start to see others in a new light as you meet new people and begin to understand their perspective on the matter.
