Why Has Kate Easton Defected To The UK?


Kate Easton is the latest in a line of British celebrities to feature in the Mirror’s Body Issue. She is defined by her eye catching, yet slim good looks and has had a long history of working hard and being successful in her chosen profession. She has been married to Stephen Jones for the past fifteen years and they have two children, Amy and Alex. Throughout her career, Kate has worked hard to promote women in many different fields and she has always remained committed to her Nationality.

Kate began her career as a nurse, which allowed her to travel throughout the country and achieve great success as a nurse and even more success when she got engaged to Jones. However, when Nationality was made an eligibility criteria to stand for Parliament, Kate’s dream career was over. Although Nationality isn’t a big issue for most people, many see it as a hindrance to their success as a sporting person and now following the news that Jones has defected to the UK, she has had to make the decision to switch back to England.

Although it may seem strange to some, it seems Nationality has nothing to do with the height of a woman. In fact, Jones has been dubbed “The Tallest Spy” and is only 5ft 8in tall. Easton has admitted that she has been trying hard to lose the extra inch, but with bad results. Despite this setback, Kate Easton has received much praise for standing tall despite her age and despite the public criticism directed her way.
