Height And Citizenship Status


Nationality or ethnicity is a very important factor to consider when getting involved in International business, but not so much when it comes to being a potential employer. It seems that many potential employers of International executives do not look beyond race and nationality to evaluate an individual applicant, which leaves a position open for an individual with both a Mexican and American nationality, Isabel Muoz being one of those individuals. With a background as an actress, her ethnicity and nationality also played a large part in how quickly she became an icon. But there are other factors to consider in a situation where you might be an international business opportunity and considering your own identity and nationality when applying for employment can be a very wise decision.

The first factor to consider is your height. As it turns out, height does not play as big of a role in the evaluation process as one would assume based on the image that some International executive’s have. In the case of Ms. Muoz, the only reason that height was a factor in her consideration for an International job position came from her heritage and nationality, as was indicated by her given name, which is Isabella Muoz. While her height may not be a factor in employment for those in countries such as Mexico, it may be for an international company considering her height.

The next factor to consider is citizenship status. For those in the United States, it is almost never a factor to consider unless your parent is a US citizen or eligible to apply for an immigrant status in the United States, which is why it is important to understand what an immigrant means before making any decision regarding nationality or citizenship. However, for those in Mexico it may be of interest to seek out the services of a Mexican attorney to help determine your parent’s status in the country. This is a very important step to make and should be done early on when interviewing or considering a position in Mexico. Knowing the status of a person before making a move to a foreign nation is always smart.
