Tall Women Attract Big Men


The star of the hit movie, “Sweeney Todd” is Isabel Costa. In this film, the title character played by Costa is an accomplished writer, whose marriage to a less than accomplished playboy wife goes awry. The plot revolves around how the marriage is going to come between their two, as their age difference and cultural differences create obstacles that are in their way of falling in love. Their different professions also play a role in how their marriage develops.

As the name of her play suggests, Isabel Costa is of Italian and Brazilian descent. Her parents were both teachers, and she grew up in foster homes during her early years. She is described as extremely shy as a child and was constantly being bullied by other students. This caused her to have a deep self-consciousness about her height difference, and she hid that fact for years.

While growing up in foster care, Costa had a constant attraction to women who were taller than her. When she was young, her birthday party was filled with girls who were considered “the tall one” – this included her best friend. At age nine, Costa decided to finally pursue her dream of becoming a writer, and attended the University of Florida. Despite having to live on a campus near the more “normal” folks, Costa never felt out of place. She soon began dating a girl who was about six inches taller than her and even dated one who was about seven inches taller than her.
