Marianna Tsotra is a prominent member of the cast of the hit television show, The Sopranos. Born in Greece, Tsotra is one of five children born to parents who immigrated to New York City. Her childhood was spent mostly in Greece and Italy. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Barnard College, a master’s degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Following her dissertation, she worked as a psychotherapist in San Francisco, California.
While attending therapy, Tsotra developed a deep and profound understanding of human suffering and its causes. This understanding grew, until she felt that she could use this knowledge to help people more effectively. After becoming a psychotherapist, Tsotra saw the need for a more international focus on psychotherapy. This led her to start her own consulting practice in Beverly Hills, California. Today, Marianna works with a number of different clients, ranging from middle-aged women seeking love and companionship to working professionals who want to know how to balance their career and family life.
While not particularly tall, Marianna Tsotra has the physical attributes of an accomplished professional. Tall and thin, she frequently wears dresses to show off her legs and has long, silky hair that falls in front of her shoulders. In her personal photos, Tsotra stands with her arms crossed over her chest, her hands in her face as she stares into the camera. Based on her bio on the website, Marianna Tsotra is of Greek and Italian nationality and was raised in Greece.