Age Defying Female Hypnotist


Marianna Goes is one of the most controversial and intriguing characters in the Nationality. Tall and dark, Marianna seems to have been destined to be the Nationality’s eternal consort. Born in a rich family in the countryside of Transylvania, Marianna was supposedly taken in at an early age by her stepmother, who then reportedly sold her to a married man. When her stepmother died in childbirth, however, Marianna was abandoned in the forest, on the run with a friend she had met in the woods.

At the age of twenty-three, Marianna began working as a secretary in a printing shop, where she also learned how to cook, clean, and sew, all of which gave her the ability to acquire a wide range of skills as she progressed through her marriage and adulthood. Her career in the printing shop provided her with ample opportunities for social interaction. She attended parties thrown by the nobility in order to meet men. Despite being just a young woman, she was already demonstrating an air of maturity beyond her years, a quality which would become very important to both her profession and later in her life.

As one might expect, given her social skills, Marianna Goes never remained idle for long. While working in the printing shop, she ran a thriving business as a seamstress, traveling from town to town, seeking out men and women alike for courtship. After several years, she finally entered a position as the new owner of a clothing store in a small town, where she was able to pursue her true calling. In a short time, Marianna Goes was married and had a child, adding to her many accomplishments and skills.
