Is it Possible to Gain Height When You Lose Weight?


In her recently released book, “Become A Lady: My Definitive Guide to Heightening Your Ladure,” the now-famous trainer, Yasmin Matthews talks about increasing one’s height in a society that constantly cast aspersions on those who are considered to be” shorter than everyone else.” In a world where young women are bombarded with messages and images regarding how they should look and what they should do with their bodies; it is no wonder that many of them are not confident in themselves. In an effort to help them gain the confidence to go after their dreams, many marketers are now targeting them with their own customized versions of books and magazines focused on how to increase height. However, many wonder if height enhancement through these sources will actually work; especially in light of the fact that there is no definitive way to measure height anymore.

One major question that most people have is whether increasing one’s height while engaging in a professional activity such as gymnastics, dancing, or even swimming is possible, considering that there are no clear and proven techniques or methods to do so. According to Dr. Amin Elhassan, an assistant professor at the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the answer to this question can be yes. Specifically, he explains that while it is possible to achieve certain gains in inches by engaging in these activities, such gains are more likely to be short-lived, especially when compared to those experienced by those who regularly engage in such professional pursuits.

One reason why height increases are not a sure bet when it comes to engaging in gymnastics, weightlifting, or any other sporting activity is due to the fact that the muscles used during these activities are very complex and very large in size. Furthermore, another common reason why these height increase promises are not met is because many women simply stop growing once they reach a certain point; which means that once they stop growing, they remain small. The final question that must be answered before any woman decides to embark on any height increase program is the degree of trust that she has in her own abilities. Unfortunately, many women fail to realize that although they may be among the largest women in the world, there is a great deal that can go wrong when attempting to attempt any kind of physical change or improvement.
