Yasmin Thayne, Consultant, Nationality, and Accomplishment


Description: Yasmin Thayne is a Canadian filmmaker who wrote, directed and starred in the award-winning short film, “″Kamela (Kemba)” from 2021. She is also an accomplished actor who has appeared in both mainstream and South African television. She went to school in Canada, where she pursued a degree in communications. From there, she moved to Pretoria, South Africa where she pursued a master’s degree in journalism before returning to Toronto to pursue acting full-time.

Age: Unknown. Height: Unknown. Profession: Consultant. Listed on IMDB as a media advisor. Contact information is minimal.

Nationality: Brazilian. Height: 158 cm. Education: University of Toronto, Masters in Communication (UC) and Bachelor of Arts (BA). In addition, she has a Master in Social Work from the University of Adelaide, Australia, and is an executive coach at Thalgo Ltd. Her other credentials are listed here.

Details About Yasmin Thayne, Consultant, Nationality, and Accomplishment. Unfortunately, we do not have any information about her nationality or educational background. However, from the information available, it is very clear that she is Canadian by descent, having at least one North American parent and speaking English fluently. As far as ethnicity goes, there is insufficient information.
