Nationality of Yasmin Cambu


Yasmin Cambu was born in Burundi (nowadays known as Rwanda) and is an actress best known from a popular national television show called “Amanpour”. She is a member of the opposition Front for the Family, which is based in Rwanda. Recently, however, she has gained worldwide prominence because of her role as a contestant on the popular TV show “Survivor”. She is 30 years old and was separated from her husband when she went to high school. She has always remained very connected with her roots in Burundi, even though she has lived in different countries most of her life.

The Nationality of Yasmin Cambu Aged Approximately midway between eighteen and twenty-two, she became a British citizen in 1979 as a political exile on the African continent. She worked as a journalist in London for several years, covering both local and international news. In 2021, she returned to Burundi to take up her post as acting attires minister. In that role, she established a reputation as one of the opposition’s key players, but it was her connection to the government that eventually led her to become one of its most respected politicians.

Age The youngest of the five members of the Cambu clan, Yasmin is the youngest of the major players in the political scene. She is the first woman ever elected to the lower house of the parliament, and has held this position since 2021. She was also one of the first women to hold the prime minister’s position in a multi-party system and served as finance minister under Hagedine Kivuenga. It is clear that age does not affect the way that a candidate represents his/her nation, as the young women have shown a commitment to their cause that is not found in many other representatives. The future of this talented member of the public is looking very bright, as he/she looks set to become the first women elected to the National Assembly of Rwanda.
