Growing Up Black and Thin in America


Yasmin Bragatto is a thirty-one-year-old mother of Italian and Caribbean descent who has become a well-known figure in the alternative, internet, and blogging communities because of her views on race, ethnicity, and culture. In her own words, she is “a cultural warrior [who has taken on and won]”; a woman with a thick skin who wears her heart on her sleeve because she knows that no one can make her feel safe or good about herself when she looks in the mirror. While her online personae might resemble a typical college student, there is more to her personality than her online alter ego; she is a warrior princess on an epic adventure of self discovery.

A melanoma riddled beauty with pale skin, Yasmin Bragatto does not fit the mold of what most people believe is beautiful or even desirable. Instead, she exudes beauty and strength in her physical being, in her choice of clothing, in her choice of beliefs, and in her very attitude. She is without doubt a beautiful woman, but she is also a fierce survivor and fiercely loyal friend who will do everything in her power to help other women realize their potential. Because of this, many find themselves drawn to her books and essays, as well as to her videos on beauty, racial consciousness, and empowerment. Bragatto’s unique blend of intellectualism and ethnicity has earned her a legion of followers both online and offline.

With the support of her family and the encouragement of friends, Bragatto has managed to change the negative stigmas associated with being an Asian woman and turn it into something positive. She has contributed a voice to the discussion about race and culture, and in so doing, she has inspired others to be more open about their own personal ideas and beliefs. For this, she is truly grateful.
