Fernanda Sasse Height Difference


Fernanda Sasse is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioner and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor. She has trained with the Gracie Academy in Brazil and the Elevation Institute in New York City as well as being an assistant instructor at the famous NASM in Miami. Being of Brazilian descent, Sasse is familiar with the culture, itsu, and strength of the people of her heritage.

Fernanda Sasse’s Height Difference is really a question of perception. Her partner would not be able to feel it unless he or she were to stand directly in front of her. As a matter of fact, I think she is probably one of the taller women in the world. In that sense, it would not matter to her if she were shorter or taller.

The question of her height difference does not really concern her partner. He or she would not know what to do because they are used to seeing their partners towering over them. It is really more about how she perceives herself and how other people perceive her. For the time being, Fernanda Sasse should just concentrate on getting the job done and let the rest take care of itself. “Are you trying to be funny?” Indeed, I totally understand her point and I hope someday she will understand mine also. Being aware of your height difference is a good start.
