Fernanda Cassel – Tall, Green, and Proud of Her Roots


Fernanda Cassel is a famous Brazilian actress and singer; she was born in Sintra; the youngest of five children of Brazilian parents who were mainly farmers. As a child Fernanda learned to stage and sing, in her case singing both Portuguese and French. She then began a profession as a dancer and singer in the early nineteen twenties; however her career was marred by her marriage to Carlos Diez who had been a well-known athlete during his time as a professional wrestler.

Fernanda Cassel has said of herself that her natural height is 5′ 7″; however the actual height of her partner, Carlos Diez who is 5′ 4″; is often mentioned or mistaken as being the same. In fact both are average height. Fernanda is also proud of her green eyes, which she attributes to her Portuguese heritage, although the cause of this is not clear. The exact length of her skirt which is the same as Carlos is approximately fifty-eight inches; however when you take into account the fact that both are of average height it can be seen that there is no significant difference between the two.

Fernanda Cassel has adopted the Brazilian national language, Brazilian Portuguese, into her vocabulary; she was also able to learn English in the United States; although she speaks English very poorly. Her great passion in life has been gardening, which she does on a small scale with her husband and their son. Her biggest challenge in terms of being Brazilian has been trying to get an American publisher to publish a novel based on her life. As far as her being a nationalities’ national you will have to ask someone at the library to explain. Fernanda is proud of her roots as being Brazilian, however she is happy to embrace all nationalities and languages.
