“Sandra’s Age” By Fernanda Bonito – A Book Review


Fernanda Bonito is a talented performer on the telenovela. She has brought beauty and excitement to the life of her readers with her unique style of writing. Being a committed social worker, Bonito has dedicated her articles to helping others, especially the women. Her articles are a testament to the struggles and triumphs of life as a woman. In this volume, “Sandra’s Age,” Bonito tackles age through the experiences of four age defying women: Age-Defier Sandra, a thirty-one-year-old who is desperately trying to hold on to her youth; Age-Defier Diana, who has reached the zenith of physical prowess; Age-Defier Libra, who are trying to balance family life with her career; and Age-Defier Ruth, who is determined to make it to the middle age without sacrificing her vivacious spirit.

The volume is a beautiful representation of the true life experience of its colorful characters. It is a must buy for all women who are having trouble holding on to their youth, or for those who have lost their sight of it. The book is a call to all women to be a better friend, lover, mother, sister, or wife. In a marriage relationship that is specifically aimed at young women, Fernanda Bonito injects humor and romance while educating and encouraging every woman to seek out her own identity and freedom.

The author does an excellent job of expressing her feelings about aging. The book is chock full of witty and wise reflections on love, marriage, motherhood, sex, and life in general. There is never a dull moment in “Sandra’s Age.” Even the last scene of the last chapter is breathtakingly romantic. Reading “Sandra’s Age” by Fernanda Bonito is like having an interesting chat with your best friend about marriage relationships and its ups and downs.
