Fernanda Palma And Partner – Why Is Her Partner Taller Than Her?


Fernanda Palma is a young lady who has managed to make the headlines recently. The famous writer and producer, Lucinda Campos Santo Domingo, confirmed on her personal blog that she had married Fernanda Palma, the thirty-three-year-old Brazilian lawyer. The couple have been together for eleven years, since they met in a public square in Rio de Janeiro. Ms. Campos Santo reveals that Fernanda became aware of her age when she read the obituary of Gabrielle in Rio, where the deceased was described as being “about my height”.

As it turns out, Fernanda is not really that much shorter than Gabrielle herself. She acknowledges, however, that it does affect her relationship with her partner, as their physical appearance contributes to a feeling of inferiority in them both. This inferiority leads them to argue, each accusing the other of treating them differently, causing them to have a bad marital relationship. But Fernanda, with her characteristic modesty, maintains that, in spite of her partner’s “small stature”, their love for each other remains undiminished.

Fernanda Palma has made a good choice in choosing a profession that would allow her to keep her small stature at an acceptable level. Lawyers are generally considered to be “larger than life” characters, with large hairdos and impressive portfolios that often dwarf the smaller lawyers. However, there is no reason why a person who is just under thirty should feel inferior about her height, and shouldn’t be expected to accept this as the norm in marriage. It is obvious that, if anything, the “short woman” is actually complimenting her partner’s height!
