The Perks of Being Tall


A former Miss Universe, and current actor/model, Aurora Campbell is perhaps best known for her role as Catalina, a Mexican-American dancer in the hit movie Pleasantville. However, her many achievements in the film industry span over seven decades with roles in such diverse projects as The Perfect Storm, MIB: Men in Black and Love Actually. Prior to working on movies, she worked for Universal Studios as a casting assistant on the series Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Although the cast of MIB: Men in Black cast her as a love interest for Brian O’Conner, who played Mikey Pertopia, Campbell instead became best known for her extensive resume that includes being the Assistant Director on the TV show The Perfect Storm, and an Executive Producer on the successful film Finding Nemo.

The reason why Campbell has remained relatively popular throughout her career is because of her appearance as an attractive, petite woman. Despite being only 5′ tall, she manages to project a powerful presence on screen, which helps make her a suitable candidate for all sorts of characters, including love interests, villains and the like. Her height difference does not stop her from playing a supporting character in MIB: Men in Black, as she also has the same height as lead character Carl Lewis, which makes it easier for her to fit the part. It seems that having an impressive physical attributes helps men look for women with whom they can develop romantic relationships or serve as advisors on important matters, while women often seek men with whom they can serve as assistants, secretaries, and the like.

As we know, men prefer a partner who is in agreement with them on issues concerning their profession, while women prefer to find partners who are not intimidated by their own height. Since a partner’s stature is a deciding factor when it comes to dating and relationships, it is important for all women to carefully consider their next step. After all, not every man will appreciate a partner who insists on playing the tall woman. Nevertheless, if you feel that you can accomplish everything that you want in your job, and you are satisfied with your current occupation, then it is important to keep your options open and pursue your dreams. You may want to wait for your height to become an issue in your dating life, but it never comes to that.
