A Book Review of “Be Different by Dana Rene”


Recently, I’ve read a Dana Rene book about marriage. In it, she talks about how you can have a good marriage even though you’re different by nationality. She also has several ways to deal with being different by nationality, such as dealing with your own Nationality. She said that being a National made you more sensitive because your partner would expect you to act and talk like someone of the same nationality.

That’s very true. For example, I was born in Canada but I wasn’t raised or used to talk like Canadians so when we got married I had to learn to speak like one. I learned a lot about how to talk and speak like a Canadian even though I wasn’t one. I had to pick up the language by myself.

In the book, Rene talks about how being different doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t get along. She makes it clear that there will be differences but that you can work together in harmony and co-operate as a team. This is the way I view love and marriage. People get married for many different reasons but when you are looking for love, compatibility and harmony in your marriage, you need to take the time to listen to each other’s differences and find out why you love each other in the first place. I think this is one of the best advice in the book.
