Height Discrimination and Height Difference in the Work Place


Born in Southern California, Dana Vulin graduated from High School in 1996. Since then she has been traveling to work for various companies in the United States and Canada as an Administrative Assistant. While at this occupation she has worked hard to acquire the skills that will help her succeed in a profession that demands so much skill such as in a competitive Business Environment. This is one of the reasons why Dana Vulin felt that this was the career path for her to take. Not only does she work very hard, but she also enjoys her work and has always strived to better herself.

In the mid 90’s when Dana started out in the Professional field there were not many height differences between men and women. This created many problems such as discrimination by employers and clients. It was because of these issues that there was a movement to create height differences between the two sexes. However, as time passed there were still no height difference between men and women and therefore creating more discrimination. As a result of all the years of struggles by the people to achieve equality in the work place there finally was a change made in the law.

This law was signed by President Bill Clinton on November fourth, 1996. This legislation was designed to provide guidelines for employers and to employees to help them manage their working environment to eliminate bias and prejudice. It was this legislation that helped to change the world of height discrimination. Even though it took a while for this to be put into place all employees and employers are now required to make sure that there is no racial or ethnic discrimination in their workplace.
