Dana Melanie – Partner’s Killer


Recently, Dana Melanie, a thirty-one-year-old, Nationality: American was found dead at her workplace. Her employer’s security guard noticed a body hanging from a rope in the parking lot of their establishment and notified police. They later learned that the deceased’s nationality was not American but Korean. The police asked her family to come to the United States to identify Dana. What exactly happened during all of this is still under investigation, but it appears from statements by police and her family members that Ms. Melanie may have been strangled.

According to reports, Melanie had been dating a Korean national while working at the bank. On the day she was killed, Melanie called her Korean partner several times before she hung herself. Police are still looking for the second Korean man that she was dating, trying to determine if he helped her or tried to stop her. It is believed by police that it may be impossible to prove whether or not he assisted her by the time she died. His nationality is currently unknown. Other reports indicate that the second man is of Hispanic decent and may have helped her cover her passport forms prior to her death.

There is speculation that Mel Melanie might have been strangled by her partner because he could have become involved in an affair with her. Another reason that police do not believe this is because he has been cooperative with them in the past. According to her family, however, there are inconsistencies in the story, with some stating that it was their father who choked Mel while they were dating. They also claimed that Mel was not choked to death but died of asphyxiation from hanging. This would fit the strangest suicide story that police have heard thus far and has left the Mel Melanie and her partner’s family, and even their friends, hanging in limbo as they try to sort out what really happened to Dana Melanie.
