Height and Fit – Why Do Celebrities Have Taller Representation?


The first time I saw Dana Spector on the set of “Romancing: Los Angeles”, not too long ago, I was struck by her appearance and the way she presented herself, tall and fit with a supportive, confident attitude. She exuded poise and grace, even though she was only in her late 30s. It made me think of my mother, who was a physical fitness queen throughout her life, but who seemed to have mellowed down considerably after turning sixty. Like my mother, who was often described as “lady smart” (although she certainly wasn’t), Dana Spector manages to be both smart and sexy all at the same time, and in fact, is often described as the “Ladies Smartest Woman” in the business.

Age is always an issue for working women, especially those who are committed to a career or are otherwise restricted to a certain age range because of it. But in the case of Dana Spector, there seems to be an explanation for her height and fit for a professional woman – she’s a professional actress, and in that respect she is entirely predisposed to be slim, rather than obese. There are other factors at work, of course, but height and fit are perhaps the most important.

Perhaps another reason that people view her as fit and slim is because of her accent. Her English accent, combined with the calm, collected manner in which she speaks suggests that she is one of those rare people who can successfully hold conversations over long distances without losing their sense of place or even losing their sense of self. She is also a very private person, not prone to telling too many strangers too much about herself, at least not yet. These days it is sometimes easier to be with someone whose speaking voice is not your own, because we have so many speech impediments from thick glasses to receding hairlines. For someone like Dana Spector, who has managed to speak clearly even with people who can hardly understand a word she says, this quality is a big plus.
