Sandra Mesas Was Raised in Both a Nationality


Sandra Mesas is the mother of three children who are American born and raised. She has been married to her husband Carlos for fifteen years and has two step-children that are American. Carlos was born in Zacateca, Mexico and Sandra currently resides there with her two step-children. Carlos grew up in Southern California and was very close to his mother because they were always in school. Sandra worked at a dry cleaner for approximately twenty-five years before she met and fell in love with Carlos.

In their relationship, Sandra and Carlos both maintained their nationalities which helped them to have the stability needed to make marriage work. Throughout the course of their marriage, Sandra did not question her husband about his nationality but rather waited for him to ask about it. This showed great patience on her part because it meant that Carlos belonged to the same nationality as her. During the early years of their marriage, both of them were very open about their nationalities because it was important to them that their relationship with each other is based on love and trust. However, over the course of time, the closeness between the couple decreased and this led to resentment on both sides. This resentment developed into a strong sense of separation because both felt that the other did not understand them as much as they thought that they did.

As a Hispanic woman, it is very important that you maintain your stature as well as your identity when you get married. Being a Hispanic woman is very important and as a Hispanic woman, your stature is very important especially if you have children. If you want to maintain your nationality as a Hispanic woman, you will need to hire a legal representative to help you uphold your position in your marriage. The legal representative will help you keep your stature as a Hispanic woman while at the same time keeping your identity as a Hispanic woman safe.
