Sandra Negrea, Age When a Nationality Becomes an Issue


Sandra Negrea is the youngest candidate for Vice President of Ecuador. She is also a member of the Justice of the Peace Commission and has been an active lawyer working with the causes of social justice, environmental causes and women’s rights since the early days of her participation in politics. At a young age she came out of Honduras where her parents came to work as seamen earning $asive and then after the war broke out and they moved to Peru where her mother served as a seamstress.

After completing law school she went on to work with the International Association of Law Students for two years in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil studying international relations, diplomacy and conflict resolution. She then worked for the International Labor Organization in South America and served as an officer for the Brazilian National Police at the Ministry of Justice. In her final year she worked as a counselor in a human rights clinic. Sandra then completed a master’s degree at the University of Illinois College of Law specializing in Social Work, and she has specialized in International Relations, Homeland Security Law, and Labor Law. It was while working as an attorney practicing civil law that she became interested in the Nation’s National Parks Service and began volunteering there as an environmental consultant.

Recently Sandra has decided to seek higher public office where she can serve her community and protect the interests of those who cannot protect themselves due to their nationalities, economic statuses and/or political beliefs. This is truly a refreshing and inspiring undertaking for someone who at the age of sixty-one believes in social justice and fairness for all. I am sure that at her age, being an American does not disqualify a person to run for President of the United States of America or the Council of Mayors of our nation. I only hope that by future political successes in her chosen profession she will be more than qualified to stand up for the people of Ecuador and the rest of the world.
