Why Is The International Aurora Prize Selection Processes Controversial?


Aurora Prize is a global award honoring people for their exceptional efforts to promote international peace and security. It is usually given on behalf of those who lost their lives as a result of acts of terrorism, human rights abuses and other crimes against humanity. The Aurora Prize has two goals: To honor extraordinary people throughout the world and to deter acts of intolerance. The term “apart from law” is used to describe the prize’s aim. Not only are the winners honored for their heroic acts and contributions to human dignity, but also for their courage to fight intolerance.

Over the past few years there have been several controversial issues regarding the process of choosing a person as the next recipient of this prestigious award. One issue that garnered a lot of attention was the selection of Argentina Prize winner Eva Peron for the International Prize. Eva was born in Argentina, yet was Jewish and became a United States citizen, so was not eligible to receive the award due to her citizenship. Some members of the jury felt that she was not fully fit to be nominated as the Aurora Prize Laureate for her personality. Some members of the jury even thought that she may have been chosen unfairly, given her background and achievements as a singer and actress.

As a result of this negative publicity, the International Aurora Prize Selection Committee decided to change the selection process. They created a committee of executives from different parts of the world with a cross section of different cultures and backgrounds. The selection committee co-chairs worked with a number of experts in various fields to review the eligibility of each candidate. Finally, the three short-listed candidates were presented with the award during a grand opening event in Paris on December 10, 2021. There have been other instances when the International Aurora Prize Selection Committee made controversial decisions, most notably when they rejected legendary rap artist Fergie as a candidate because of their appearance. The reasons for their controversial selections have been detailed on the official website, including details on the entire selection process.
