The film ‘A 2021’ which was directed by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger has once again given the world another exciting and stylish film. This time, instead of the story revolving around the political scenario, it deals with the fashion and trends of the present times. The movie once again puts a spin on the story and depicts it as a fashion satire. The storyline revolves around two competing fashion consultants who in the beginning just want to make it big in their business. But now, with the recession raging hard, they have to reconsider if their style really deserves the position it occupies. The film has been received well by Hollywood watchers and many award winners have given the movie a warm welcome.
2021 follows the life of Angelina Jolie as she tries to reinvent herself in the cruel world of glamour. Her first stop is New York City where she tries to look her best at the Fashion Institute of America. Fashion guru, Yves Saint Laurent teaches her the ins and outs of the trade and makes her understand that there is more to style and how one chooses it than just what you put on your body. From there, Angelina sets out on a mission to Paris where she gets a taste of designer wear from some of the most famous names in the fashion world like Dior, Fath and Givenchy. While in Paris, she also gets to experience fashion firsthand at the Le Chaillon de la Sujet which is an exclusive boutique.
After some time, Angelina decides that it is time for her to venture out and explore the world of fashion. She leaves Paris with the intention of finding her own signature style. She ends up taking part in the annual Fashion Week event organized by CIPAN which is a fashion fair in Las Vegas. There, she meets a wide range of international designers and captures some of the best moments in fashion history in the process.