Career Summary of Sofia Kammeborn


Sofia Kammeborn was born in Germany. She was a very good student throughout her school years and then went on to study law at the University of Munich. After graduating she continued her studies at the University of Frankfurt and then worked for six years as a translator and then legal assistant in the City of Hamburg, where she qualified as a Bar Counselor.

During this time in her career she also did volunteer work with the Red Cross and served for several years with the Bavarian State Criminal Intelligence Office. All of this made her well-versed in international law and therefore very qualified to work for the international law firm of Lechter, Krampe, Schipper & Lang, where she worked for almost twenty years. During this period of time, Sofia Kammeborn was always represented by her famous family, which included her parents, siblings and two step-sisters. As a lawyer, her clients were normally from Germany but at one point she did accept cases from clients from Scandinavia. This experience gained her the recognition of the European Court of Human Rights in 2021.

As a consultant, Sofia Kammeborn has therefore represented many different clients with various different nationalities. At the present time, she is a consultant with the law firm of Hermansfeld Winkelmann & Partner focusing their work in Germany and the surrounding area. Her main areas of expertise are family law, penal law, corporate law, contract law and family related issues. She has also been an expert speaker at various conferences on criminal law, family law and European law.
