Informative Speech About Fashion Trends


If you have ever been to a class or even to a live event on the topic of fashion then you will no doubt have met a few people who could talk about their opinions for hours on end about fashion trends. They talk about it so much in class that you might think they were on some sort of Fashion Network reality show, but that’s not true. When I teach people about fashion trends and what is hot I tell them that I am going to give them a lecture about fashion and then I ask them if they have any questions. That way I can get a question answered about the topic at hand.

The only way that I can make a proper fashion statement without coming off like a sex offender is to be as down to earth as possible and talk about what women actually do. I think that sometimes when women go into the stores to pick out something for themselves they are bombarded by all of this crazy fashion stuff that there is really very little time to talk about what is hot and what is not. It’s almost like you have to make a fashion statement that you know is silly and you might as well just buy whatever it is that you are most comfortable wearing. I would rather see a woman walking around the store with a shopping bag than trying to find the perfect fashions that will make her look good. That’s kind of real simple really.

Fashion trends are something that all women are concerned about. I think that if we were to sit down and talk about fashion for a couple more minutes we could really clear things up. We could talk about which magazines drive the market and which magazines are actually selling something that is wearable. Those are the kinds of things we should be talking about instead of what kind of slacks and neckties we are going to wear for the day. As women we have to do our homework on each different trend that comes along because sometimes we like to follow the crowd but women should know their own fashion and know their own bodies and at the end of the day women know what looks good on them.
