2100 Century Fashion Trends


2100 Century Fashion Trends

One thing I have to say about fashion trends is that they change so fast, sometimes I hardly get a chance to see the newest styles in stores. I usually find out about them through friends or the media. One fashion trend that caught my eye was the black prom dress. Prom is one of those occasions where everyone wants to look their best and black is the color of royalty. The black prom gowns were available for the first time in my favorite store, which had a very interesting layout. It had two separate sections of clothing with a magazine rack facing each section and a television mounted on the wall opposite the section for the latest trends.

Most of the time, when something new or different is mentioned, the first thought in our mind is to talk about how it will affect our lives. But this is not how the fashion world works, fashion trends are also considered an item of entertainment. They make people go gaga over it, they talk about it and the more people talk about it the more it affects society. So for some it may not seem fair but fashion trends do have an impact. How big or small it may be, depends on how much exposure you can get.

The only time I have ever felt personally bad about something is when I have bought the wrong piece of clothing. I have in fact in the past, when I have bought a piece of clothing that I thought would look good on me, but it turned out to be a total let down. If you are not buying what you think you are, then its up to you to know that the piece of clothing is not meant for you. If you feel like you are being tricked or ripped off, then its time to take action. Do not wait for the next fashion trends to catch on before you do something about it.
