Does Age Play a Part in Marriage?


Isabela Fialho is a Brazilian actress and model who is known for her young women’s clothing and high fashion designs. Recently, Fialho has converted to Islam and she openly tells how her new faith changed the way she looked at marriage. She spoke with Oprah Winfrey in an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show and explained that Islam taught her to be a better person and not think of sex the same way she used to: “For me, marriage is like a plane – you always want to get on board and it’s not about sex. It’s more about, I’m sharing my values and life with this person.”

Marriage in the eyes of Islam is a ceremony involving two people, and when you marry someone you must make sure that the person you marry is a perfect fit for you, because you are creating a human being in your own right. When we talk of “perfect marriage”, we are talking about a relationship that will produce healthy and productive offspring. This does not mean, however, that sex should be ignored in a marriage; it simply means that sex is not your only form of reproduction and there should be room for each other’s enjoyment as well. In fact, marriage involves a lot of fun and there is nothing sexual about it in the slightest way. Fialho has been open about how she feels about the relationship between her partner, born as Irina, and her now ex-spouse, Raul, has been like a marriage made in heaven.

She explained to Oprah that she was able to keep her personal beliefs and values about sex out of the relationship because she felt that it would distract him from reaching his full potential as a person. Her comments come in response to those who claim that Muslim girls are raised to live a life of modesty, chastity and virtue, and marriage outside of this standard is considered adultery. Although it is true that Muslim law does not allow pre-marital sex, there is no law that says a woman can’t be attracted to a man, or even have sex with a man she is already married to. It is also important to remember that a growing number of girls are now choosing to marry young. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most common reasons is that young women who are educated and ambitious are finding themselves with partners who are much older in age, and this can be exciting for them.
