Management Age Difference – Working With An Age Difference


Isabela Ferrari, the current Managing Partner of CieAura is one of the first two nationalities which have created a partnership between each other since it was created in 2021. She has been successful in her profession and achieved the highest success rate in her selected career, which is being a Management Partner in the Real Estate Investing. She had previously worked with a high profile real estate developer in Spain, with the role of a regional manager. She also completed her studies in law at the University of Cambridge, specializing in International Business Law. In her early years in her career, she worked as a financial consultant for McKinsey and BCG in London.

CieAura combined the Spanish and the Italian nationalities by creating a unique blend of the two. This is made possible by the company’s ability to hire key leaders from both nationalities which results in creating a unique management style that is practiced at the organization. The diversity of the culture of each partner has enabled them to understand each other’s needs and use their skills to create business relationships that benefit both the company and their partners. Isabela Ferrari, the current Managing Partner has expressed that the creation of this unique opportunity has helped them understand the differences between their nationalities which enabled them to create business relationships that are beneficial to their company and are very different from those with other companies.

Although there are not many points of similarity between the two nationalities, there are points of commonality which are unique to the way they manage their business. For example, both parties place high importance on personal relationships, high loyalty and respect from employees. Both parties also place great importance on trust and honesty and both parties value loyalty highly. In a relationship, where honesty and trust are important, an age difference may be a negative feature, but is not considered detrimental because of the care that is placed on each person’s feelings. Because of the care that is placed on each partner, the result is an opportunity for growth and development of a new business relationship with a management partner who is slightly older than you, which may help smooth out the transition into a working relationship, and increase the quality of your working relationship with your manager.
